When the definition of holiday is searched, most of them would say that it’s a vacation, or a day off from work or school. Finding a modern definition about remembering an event or religious activity is hard to find. When there is a holiday in school, we sometimes don’t even know why we have them. Most of the time we think its just another “teacher work day” until we have returned to school or gone on some type of social media. Over time, the meaning of holidays change for people. “A holiday to me is a free day to just chill and eat, no homework,” said junior Maria Villanueva. “Usually I don’t know why there isn’t any school but if ever a holiday concerns me then I do know, like Catholic holidays.”
#1 SpeakingMake groups of four people and make a play about your favorite holiday.
#2 Vocabulary
Write the definition.
New year's eve;
#3 Reading and writing
Complete the worksheet.
#4 Listening
Write the lyrics from the song.
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